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June 24th – 28th 2024

Business with Heart EXPO: Putting Humans First

Join us in the Humane Marketing Circle community on June 24th, 2024, for a week of events, workshops & other gatherings around the above topic


Let's talk about Business with Heart!
In an Un-Summit (June 24th - 28th)

Nothing will be perfect as the expo is organized by humans who are not perfect. 

You’ll laugh, you’ll dance, you’ll expand your mind… maybe you’ll even shed tears.
In awe of the CONNECTION that’s being created.

If you’re open to these emotions and imperfection, then we’d love to have you!

Real Human Connections

Mind, Heart & Body


IMAGINE a week full of learning about Business with Heart, emerging from the collaboration of our community.

The topics of our week of events

Business with Heart in Four Topics:


... Being:

You show up as your true self and since everyone else does as well, there’s a huge level of trust in our group.


… Relating:

You spend time in small break-out rooms and get to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who want to do business from the heart. 


… Thinking...

Your expand your mind with new ideas of doing business, marketing & sales differently. 


… Doing:

Whether it is Doodling for stress busting or writing about your ideal client, we’re a ‘hands-on’ kind of group.

Calendar of all our offerings

Here’s what to expect

Humane Marketing Circle Expo

Connection is one of the guiding principles we live by in our Circle. So the Expo will also follow this core value. All the offerings you’ll find during this week are therefore very participative and intimate, very non summit like. You will find workshops, table round discussions, study groups and connection calls.

We believe there’s much more wisdom when we integrate the collective knowledge and learn together.

Call for Donations

This event is donation-based with a suggested price of $7 minimum which covers our fees. 
If you plan to attend several workshops, we’d love for you to consider making a donation somewhere between $27 and $47, if it all possible.


Who's in the Circle?

Circle members are professionals from all kinds of different backgrounds and different experience levels:

  • Business Coaches and Consultants
  • Branding Specialists
  • Life & Health Coaches
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Bookkeepers
  • SEO Consultants 
  • Financial Consultants
  • Leadership Coaches
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Yoga Teachers 
  • etc. etc. 

We have people who have:

  • just started their business,
  • 5+ years experience and
  • a third group who has been in business for over a decade

We have people from these parts of the world:

  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • Belgium
  • France
  • England
  • Canada
  • and USA


Frequently Asked Questions About Our Expo

It will be up to the host. We can’t assure all meetings will be recorded. Remember, our core value is connection. So we’d really like you to attend some of the calls LIVE to live these moments together, not in isolation. But you’re welcome to reach out to the workshop host and ask them if they’ll share their recording with you.

We’re running this as a fundraiser. All the contributions will be used to cover costs of our community. Donate what you can.

The Humane Marketing Circle is a community of people learning together how to do business and marketing in a humane way.
Yes, in all transparency, after the event we’ll invite you to join us if you’ve enjoyed this time in community with us.
But that’s just an option.
Either way, we look forward to spending this time with you during the Expo!


Watch the short video from Eddy, our community facilitator below to know what to expect once you sign up 😉


Get the Fill In the Blank One-Page Marketing Plan

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Copyright © 2024 Sarah Santacroce

The 7Ps of Humane Marketing Get the Fill In the Blank One-Page Marketing Plan

Your contact information is safe, and will not be used in ways other than stated on this page.